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Speech by Professor Dr. Harold Weigand

Την Παρασκευή στις 18/7/2014 και ώρα 14:30 θα πραγματοποιηθεί στο αμφιθέατρο της Υδραυλικής ομιλία του Καθηγητή Δρ. Harald Weigand με θέμα: “Hazardous waste stabilization – opportunities and limitations”.


Disposal and re-use options for solid waste materials are primarily linked to the leaching behavior of contaminants as assessed in standardized test procedures. Experimentally observed leachate concentrations in relation to waste acceptance criteria determine the technical conditions under which the waste may be landfilled. Similarly, leachate concentrations in relation to regulatory material properties determine possible routes of geotechnical re-use. This directly links contaminant mobility to disposal costs or possible revenues. Waste stabilization aims at enhancing contaminant retention on the solid phase by manipulating the geochemical conditions of the waste matrix. In case of inorganic contaminants this may be achieved by either adding sorbent materials to the waste or by promoting the formation of sparingly soluble mineral phases that serve as scavengers for the targeted contaminants. Based on two case-studies, the presentation critically addresses the possible advantages of this approach and highlights that the evaluation of stabilization efficiency may be misleading. Case study A focusses on the enhanced carbonization of municipal solid waste incineration ash using carbon dioxide derived from flue gas. Case study B is devoted to the behavior of a stabilized Arsenic-contaminated soil under landfill conditions.

Βιογραφικά στοιχεία

  • Studied Geoecology at the University of Bayreuth specializing in soil science and soil physics;
  • Graduated 1995 with a Diploma Thesis on the transport of dissolved organic matter in soils;
  • Received a PhD 2001 from the University of Bayreuth with a Thesis on the dynamics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at manufactured gas plant sites;
  • 2001 – 2009 researcher and vice-head of unit at the Bavarian Environment Agency;
  • Since 2009 Professor for Waste Management and Site Remediation at THM University of Applied Sciences, Giessen;
  • Currently at NTUA for a sabbatical;
  • Research areas: management of hazardous waste and industrial waste water; resource recovery from waste streams